Description of "Full update"/"Incremental update"

Because all list interfaces return a maximum of 1,000 data items each time, if you want to obtain the full amount of data after these 1,000 items, you need to loop to obtain it according to the "page" parameter


After the full amount of data is obtained, because there will be new data added and old data changed, you need to use the "time" parameter to periodically obtain the changed data

Loop through the "page" parameter + 1 to obtain the full data of the interface.


When the acquisition is completed, you need to record the largest "updated_at" among all the data acquired. Later, you will use this time + 1 as the "time" parameter to perform scheduled incremental queries.


The following is an example of using the "page" parameter:



“time" parameter query: The interface will return all the data that has changed after the time of your parameter “time”

(For example: your parameter "time" is 0:00 on January 1, 2024, then the interface will return all data that changed after 0:00 on January 1, 2024)


After the "Full update" is completed, you need to manually record the maximum "updated_at" of the saved data. Then use this time + 1 as the "time" parameter to obtain the data that changed after this time. Follow-up and so on


The following is an example of using the "time" parameter:

For example the maximum "updated_at" recorded in "Full update" is 1672502400

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